Reactivity Training with Jenny
I have developed a step-by-step program to help your dog work on their Leash Reactivity Issues. Private Sessions will introduce and practice skills to help your dog manage their emotions and for both Owner and dog to gain confidence by dealing with decoy dogs and my dogs in controlled settings. Field Trips will allow me to coach you in settings that you would like to work up to and Sandy can come along to support your dog. Group sessions address Dog-Dog Reactivity and Dog-Person Reactivity by working with new dogs and Owners in a controlled setting.
Meet Layla and Sandy! Their goal is to help your dog become comfortable around other dogs! Here are the basics!
Reactivity 1
This class is a total of six sessions: one virtual or at your home and five at the Reston Training Center.
The goals of this class are:
Session 1:
Identify and prioritize triggers for your dog.
Go over the basic rubric and theory around Reactivity Training.
Create a Management Plan to be used throughout training with milestones for re-evaluation.
This session can be held virtually or in person.
Session 2: (At the Reston or Richmond Training Center)
Identify thresholds for your dog using a decoy dog.
Identify thresholds for your dog using new people approaching.
Practice the 4 main Emergency Exit Techniques.
Practice Techniques for getting your dog's attention in an intense situation.
Work on timing, body language, leash handling and creating a positive association with leash tightening.
Sessions 3 & 4: (At the Local Training Center)
Practice the skills learned in Session 1&2 with approaches using the following:
For Reactivity to Dogs mixed approach at your home and then at the local training center:
Decoy dog (Your Home)
Live Dog, Neutral (Training Center)
Live Dog, High Energy (Training Center)
For Reactivity to People:
Trainer (In-Home)
New Person (In-Home - Either from your circle or a contractor with my company)
New Person 2 (Same as above)
Session 5: (At the Local Training Center)
Dog Reactivity:
Practice Parallel walking with a Neutral Dog.
Practice Parallel walking with a higher energy dog.
Work on Closing the distance on the parallel walk with your dog staying below threshold.
Note: If your dog needs additional sessions to work on the Approaches or Parallel walking in a controlled setting before moving on to real life situations, we can add those before moving on to the next level. It is better to be completely comfortable in the controlled setting before moving on or else you will undo the work that you have done up to that point.
Reactivity 2
Moving on to Level II will involve coaching on taking your dog into real life situations. You can choose as many locations as you like. These field trips are charged on a per session basis. I will help you navigate the space and give you guidance about how to use the space to practice with your dog. We will work on closing distance in those environments using the skills we learned in Level I. We will also be adding in some relaxation techniques for situations when you are on the road.
A sample session outline would be :
Location 1: Baron Cameron Park - Working from the Fields to OUTSIDE of the Dog Park
Location 2: Working Recall and other light training protocols near a shopping center or outside of your vet's office.
Location 3: Your neighborhood. Walking with Sandy as a model for calm behavior.
Location 4: Walking on a park path where there are fewer off ramps.
Group Reactivity
In these sessions, we will have a maximum of 4 dogs and owners working with the blinds as a place to go if your dog goes over threshold. All dogs and owners will be trained in management. We will practice superbowls, approaches, walk-bys, parallel walking and polite greetings.
Your dog will get experience with different types of dogs in a controlled environment.